Note: Tubular Cast-on for K2, P2 ribbing is not stretchy. As a matter of fact, it is less stretchy that if you simply use your favorite cast-on and knit in 2x2 ribbing.
This cast-on is for K1, P1 ribbing and will make a nice, stretchy edge to your fabric.
With waste yarn, cast on half of the desired stitches. The method you use to cast on does not matter.
- Purl 3 rounds.
- Change to the working yarn and purl 4 rounds.
- Weave the working yarn end into the first purl bump of the waste yarn on the last needle to create another working yarn purl bump. This will be the “bump” from which you cast on.
The needle has been pulled through and a “bump” created. |
- *P1, pick up and knit the “bump” of the working yarn 4 rounds below the needle, repeat from * to end of round.
A is the purl stitch; B is the knitted “bump”; C is also a knitted “bump”
- Work in ribbing as established for several rounds before carefully cutting away the waste yarn.
Round is completed
- The finished edge